"A NIGHTMARE.” Joe Matt (the graphic novelist best known for his absurdly self-centered autobiographical comic “Peepshow”) is speaking of his quest for the perfect collection of Frank King “Gasoline Alley” comic strips, from 1921 to 1960. Mr. Matt, who owns no home, car, computer or cellphone, estimates he has spent upward of $15,000 on his mission since 1994.
His collection forms the bulk of “Walt & Skeezix” (retitled from “Gasoline Alley” for licensing reasons), a decade-long, multivolume reprinting of Mr. King’s complete works published by D&Q (Drawn & Quarterly).
Reprints of "Little Nemo", Fantagraphics’ “Popeye” and “Krazy Kat” series , IDW’s “Complete Dick Tracy" are also discussed.